E-Rule 2: Scope of Electronic Filing
(a) Except as otherwise prescribed, all cases filed in the Court are assigned to the CM/ECF system. Administrative matters, including attorney disciplinary actions and judicial complaints, are not assigned to CM/ECF.
(b) Self-represented parties are exempt from submitting documents through CM/ECF, but may submit any document as an attachment to an email to the Clerk of Court at self-rep@uscourts.cavc.gov. All documents attached to emails must be in pdf format; have at the top the names of the parties and the docket number of the case, if one has been assigned; and bear an electronic signature. Also, the subject line of the email forwarding the document should include the name of the document (e.g., Motion to Dispute RBA), the names of the parties and the docket number of the case, if available. See Rule 25(b)(3) (Method and Timeliness-Email); E-Rule 1(a)(2) and (9)(Definitions); and E-Rule 10(Electronic Signatures).
(c) Except for documents initiating cases in the Court (such as a Notice of Appeal or petition for extraordinary relief), all submissions filed by a representative must be filed electronically using CM/ECF. But see (e) below. For documents initiating a case, in addition to conventional methods of filing, see U.S. VET. APP. R. 3, 4, 25, such documents may also be filed by attaching the document to an email sent to esubmission@uscourts.cavc.gov.
(d) If a document is filed electronically, paper copies are not to be filed. The Court may request paper copies of electronically filed documents as needed, and the CM/ECF User must promptly file the requested copies.
(e) Upon motion and a showing of good cause, the Court may exempt a representative from these provisions and authorize filing by means other than use of CM/ECF.
(f) All electronic documents must be filed in PDF.