Court Forms

The forms below have been updated to fillable PDF formats.
You may still print any of the forms and write in your information if you prefer.

If you choose to file an appeal with the Court, complete the Notice of Appeal form.
The fee for an appeal is $50. If you cannot pay this fee, complete the Declaration of Financial Hardship form.

Follow the instructions on the forms carefully and mail the completed forms to

Clerk of the Court
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
625 Indiana Avenue NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20004-2950

or fax the completed forms to the Court at 202-501-5848.

Self-represented appellants may file a Declaration of Financial Hardship with a Notice of Appeal by submitting those forms to

Appendix of Forms (Rules of Practice and Procedure) (links open in a new window)

Self Represented Forms

E-Filing Forms

All Court Forms
